Ok, I’m going to level with you.

This recipe doesn’t look… or sound particularly good.

But c’mon, you can’t judge a book on its cover or on it’s, erm…description. You have to judge it on its taste!

It’s possible I may have gotten my metaphors mixed up, but trust me this is a goood recipe.

Serious thigh slapping, head nodding, mmmmhhmmm inducing tastiness.

Best of all?

It’s crazy low cal, low carb and effectively just a bowl of vegetables that make you feel like you’ve just eaten a big fat chinese takeaway, minus the inevitable regret.

That delicious fluffy looking (and tasting) rice you see there?

Yea, that’s not rice. It’s cauliflower.

Woah woah woah. Don’t run away. I hate cauliflower, I think it’s the devil’s handiwork. But this tastes nothing like it, it just tastes like a lighter version of rice. Carb free and incredibly quick to make, you could knock this up in the time it takes to find a take-out menu.

To feed 3 or 4 you’ll need…

2 tbsp coconut oil,

2 tbsp sesame oil,

2 cloves of garlic, crushed,

2 or 3 fresh chillies, chopped,

1 cauliflower,

2 handfuls of cooked king prawns,

2 eggs,

2 spring onions, chopped,

1 handful fresh coriander (cilantro), chopped

1 handful of peanuts, roughly chopped soy sauce sweet chilli sauce for serving (if you like) Grab your cauliflower.

Tear off the leaves and cut it into tree-like sections.

You’ll want to grate these pretty finely. I use the grating tool on the Magimix.

Once you have your pile of ‘rice’ you might find it’s a little damp. If so wring it out in a tea-towel and spread it out to dry a little. Get a wok nice & hot and add your oils. Crush in your garlic and fry until it just begins to turn light brown.

Add your chopped chillies next.

Followed by your ‘rice’ which will need a good stir around to get all that nice flavour from the oil. Keep stirring and after about a minute add your spring onions.

Add about 2tbsp of soy sauce and keep stirring it all around until it starts to look golden, like this:

Throw your prawns in.

Stir them through and after another minute make a well in the middle of your wok.

Crack your egg into it.

Allow it to fry a little.

Then break it up with your spatular and just as it’s starting to look cooked, stir it through the cauliflower.

Do it again with the other egg and then you’re done! Serve with a handful of chopped coriander.

Sprinkle your chopped peanuts over each bowl as you serve it and offer your guests a slug of sweet chilli & some extra soy sauce.

This sits absoloutley smack bang in the middle of the “healthy 80%” I talk about in The Anti-Diet . Eat as much as you like until you’re full, then stop. Enjoy feeling satisfied and revel in that “mmmm… I feel good” stage, rather than the standard greasy take-away “oh god I’m so full” misery. Get that knack down & you’ll never have to diet again, my friend.

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